Pedestrian facilities – technical excellence and some fun

A Safe Active Street Workshop was recently held in Perth

There is a link to their reports on our web site and a summary article in the May 2017 AITPM newsletter which contains some very helpful technical advice.

But the newest pedestrian crossings in Rotterdam also remind us of the need for creative approaches for pedestrians.

They have put symbols on the footpath that are part of “celebrating the pedestrian”: The message is “STAND STRAIGHT / WALK PROUD.”

You can see that they still have the functional zebra crossing pattern  across the road but creative images in non-conflict situations.

This is not a first.  We have seen the fish crossing in Chile and crossings with a social political message.

In Lisbon in Portugal they created a dancing pedestrian sign that needed people to activate the movement.

We need guidelines and strong technical input to create safe pedestrian areas.  But pedestrian activity is not just a function it should be part of the vibrancy of the city.