Overdrive: A beautiful 1928 Rolls that is in regular use

G’Day and welcome to Overdrive, a program that takes a broad look at the how cars and transport impact our communities.

I’m David Brown

Having moved on from his 1913 Rolls, David Berthon takes on a new love in his life

We continue our holiday presentations with this first program of 2024. In this edition we cover more details from an interview we did during 2023.

Motoring journalist David Berthon restored what came to be considered as the best 1913 Rolls Royce in the world.

He sold it after 15 years of refurbishment and enjoyment in driving and has now bought a 1928 Rolls.

The background to the vehicle and David’s feeling on selling his previous model is a wonderful reflection of the life and times of a historical motor car.

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Originally broadcast 6 January 2024