Overdrive: EV range problem; Clarkson UK’s sexiest man? Creating car names; Mitsubishi Pajero Sport

G’Day and welcome to Overdrive a program that looks at all forms of transport from the humble bike through to a rocket powered spaceship.

In this program we look at

  • An adventure in an electric vehicle that did not deliver the range it promised
  • The government’s approach to the increasing road toll
  • There’s a motoring link to a survey of the sexiest man in Britain – prepare for a shock
  • Creating a car model name – can AI help
  • A brief history of Bristols – the motor car brand
  • Hyundai gives us the gossip on their i30N, and
  • We road test the Pajero Sport

Extended version of the program can be heard on

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Originally broadcast 25 May 2024