Hello and welcome to Overdrive, a program about cars, transport and culture
I’m David Brown
The times each story appears in the program are noted (mm:ss)
This week we have been driving a lot of new cars and I am currently in Mollymook driving the new Mazda CX-60 but I am not allowed to talk about it just yet.
So I have ask our good friend Alan Zurvas to have a chat about a range of subjects including:
- Our Social media post about the mid 60s Chrysler Valiants that tried to compete with Falcons and Holdens. The post has been seen by over 33,000 people and the comments are a wonderful array of memories – mostly good.
- Alan also mentions a video of a car crash involving an electric vehicle and the unexpected results
- And we review in detail the new Hyundai Kona small SUV
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Originally broadcast on 15 July 2023