Local pollution is a big issue for transport

Generation EQ, Exterieur, Studio

Transport service providers are coming under increasing pressure to do more about pollution.

In what often appears to be a science free debate, some suggest that climate change is not an issue therefore the inference is that we do not need to worry about pollution.

But local pollution and its harmful effects is now more than enough for us to push for major changes.

At times London has recorded worse pollution levels than Beijing.

More and more medical research is highlighting the adverse health impacts of pollution.

Major programs are being developed that give much more emphasis to reducing pollution.  The EC has just launched ‘Europe on the Move’strategy for clean and connected mobility.

We are getting more information.

The world’s first high-accuracy city-wide air quality monitoring system,is being built in the Helsinki region.

More information is becoming easily available to the public. Google has released its first map showing air-pollution levels captured by its Street View cars over the course of a year.

And more groups are starting to push the cause.

In Australia, the Electric Vehicle Council has welcomed the Finkel Review’s recognition of the important role of electric vehicles in the future of the National Electricity Market.

Groups are challenging governments, in court, to take the issue further.

And some car companies are taking a broad view including consideration of climate change and an approach that helps the customer at every step.