Overdrive: Hyundai Fuel Cell truck; Traffic signals -length of the yellow; Best names for bridges

Hello and welcome to Overdrive a program that looks at the different ways we get around, from walking, riding, or in cars, buses, trains or planes.

I’m David Brown

The times each story appears in the program are noted (mm:ss)


  1. Hyundai fuel cell truck goes from trial to commercialisation (1:39)
  2. Car Sales – Growth is with the rich and the poor (3:26)
  3. Ray Wedgwood Bridge – honour where honour is due (4:27)


Listeners Feedback

  • One persons first car was the awkwardly shaped Renault 12 (5:37)


Motoring Minute

  • Haval H6 (10:05)


  • The question of how long is the duration of a yellow light in traffic signals prompted a chat with our traffic engineering expert covering signal phases, why don’t we call it the amber light anymore, and what impact does the length of yellow lights and all red periods have on drivers (11:10)

Motoring Minute

  • Pajero Sport (27:35)


iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/overdrive-cars-transport-and-culture/id1001084679

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0ah6JZN8LTYURIfNs1IIBs


Cars Transport Culture


Cars Transport Culture

Our YouTube site https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKyx5sv6cgF4URRmNq2JiXg/videos

Originally broadcast on 6 May 2023