Overdrive: Hertz gets Polestar EVs; Backlash about fuel standards; BMW keeps charging to use features

Hello and welcome to Overdrive, a program that looks at the factors affecting our attitude and actions to motoring and transport.

I’m David Brown

The times each story appears in the program are noted (mm:ss)

News (1:06)

  • Hertz offers Polestar electric vehicles
  • BMW expensive subscriptions for car features
  • Industry approach to climate change
  • Need for tax reform


In our feature stories:

We interview Damien Shaw the managing director of Hertz about their embracing electric vehicles as we drive around in a Polestar 2. (6:32)

And we have a feature that compiles a range of comments about how the automotive industry, academia, and the Grattan Institute are embracing change (18:54)

You can find more information at Driven Media with links to social media and podcasts

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/overdrive-cars-transport-and-culture/id1001084679

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0ah6JZN8LTYURIfNs1IIBs

We even list the times each item appears so you can go straight to it

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Originally broadcast on 13 August 2022