Overdrive: Shannons Classic: Classic cars from a young person’s perspective: restored 1923 Peugeot

Hello and welcome to Overdrive, a program that looks at the fantasies and fallacies of anything to do with motoring and transport.

I’m David Brown

The times each story appears in the program are noted (mm:ss)

News (1:18)

  • Ford gives up on selling sedans
  • Mercedes introduces another EV
  • Polestar electric roadster set for production
  • A better way to create trails on disused rail lines.

Features (8:50 & 19:37)

Two feature stories about the Shannons Classic – a display of vehicle from over 50 clubs including cars, motorbikes, scooters, military vehicles, police vehicles, ambulances & fire engines held at the Sydney Motor Sport Park. (8:50)

We have a chat with one of our producers and researchers Florence Fuller who came along to the event and we interview Brian Jubb who restored a 1923 Peugeot 163 van and had it on display. (19:37)

Motoring Minutes (18:30) and (28:02)

  • Audi S8 (18:30)
  • Toyota RAV4 (28:02)

You can find more information at Driven Media with links to social media and podcasts

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/overdrive-cars-transport-and-culture/id1001084679

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0ah6JZN8LTYURIfNs1IIBs

We even list the times each item appears so you can go straight to it

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Our YouTube site https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKyx5sv6cgF4URRmNq2JiXg/videos

Originally broadcast on 20 August 2022